
Sabrina Halvorson, Chief Executive Officer, joined NDNC in early 2025. She has worked as a journalist since 1994 in print, television and radio broadcasting. She got her start as a journalist in the Central Valley of California, shifted to agriculture reporting and later moved to North Dakota, where from 2018 onward she worked as a broadcaster for American Ag Network and later a national correspondent for AgNet Media.
You can reach her at:

Michael Standaert, Correspondent, joined NDNC in July 2022. He has worked as a journalist and writer since 1998, first from the Midwest and later from California, Europe and Asia. From early 2007 to early-2022 he was based in China, first Beijing, then Shenzhen, where he served as a correspondent accredited with Bloomberg Industry Group from 2009 onward.
You can reach him at

Cecile Wehrman, Secretary, is the executive director of the North Dakota Newspaper Association and president of Journal Publishing, Inc., which publishes The Journal in Crosby. A journalist for nearly four decades, she worked in radio, television and newspapers since 1985. Wehrman is also the project leader of Kid Scoop ND, a literacy project delivering a kid-oriented monthly newspaper to elementary students in the state.
You can reach her at